Next, we’ll build diamondback which adds support for
- User-Defined Functions
In the process of doing so, we will learn about
- Static Checking
- Calling Conventions
- Tail Recursion
- Defining Functions
- Checking Functions
- Compiling Functions
- Compiling Tail Calls
1. Defining Functions
First, lets add functions to our language.
As always, lets look at some examples.
Example: Increment
For example, a function that increments its input:
def incr(x):
+ 1
10) incr(
We have a function definition followed by a single “main” expression, which is evaluated to yield the program’s result 11
Example: Factorial
Here’s a somewhat more interesting example:
def fac(n):
= print(n) in
let t if (n < 1):
* fac(n - 1)
5) fac(
This program should produce the result
Suppose we modify the above to produce intermediate results:
def fac(n):
= print(n)
let t = if (n < 1):
, res 1
* fac(n - 1)
n in
5) fac(
we should now get:
Example: Mutually Recursive Functions
For this language, the function definitions are global
any function can call any other function.
This lets us write mutually recursive functions like:
def even(n):
if (n == 0):
- 1)
def odd(n):
if (n == 0):
- 1)
= print(even(0)),
let t0 = print(even(1)),
t1 = print(even(2)),
t2 = print(even(3))
t3 in
QUIZ What should be the result of executing the above?
false true false true 0
true false true false 0
false false false false 0
true true true true 0
Lets add some new types to represent programs.
Lets create a special type that represents places where variables are bound,
data Bind a = Bind Id a
A Bind
is an Id
decorated with an a
to save extra metadata like tags or source positions
to make it easy to report errors.
We will use Bind
at two places:
- Let-bindings,
- Function parameters.
It will be helpful to have a function to extract the Id
corresponding to a Bind
bindId :: Bind a -> Id
Bind x _) = x bindId (
A program is a list of declarations and main expression.
data Program a = Prog
pDecls :: [Decl a] -- ^ function declarations
{ pBody :: !(Expr a) -- ^ "main" expression
, }
Each function lives is its own declaration,
data Decl a = Decl
fName :: (Bind a) -- ^ name
{ fArgs :: [Bind a] -- ^ parameters
, fBody :: (Expr a) -- ^ body expression
, fLabel :: a -- ^ metadata/tag
, }
Finally, lets add function application (calls) to the source expressions:
data Expr a
= ...
| Let (Bind a) (Expr a) (Expr a) a
| App Id [Expr a] a
An application or call comprises
- an
, the name of the function being called, - a list of expressions corresponding to the parameters, and
- a metadata/tag value of type
(Note: that we are now using Bind
instead of plain Id
at a Let
Examples Revisited
Lets see how the examples above are represented:
>>> parseFile "tests/input/incr.diamond"
Prog {pDecls = [Decl { fName = Bind "incr" ()
, fArgs = [Bind "n" ()]
, fBody = Prim2 Plus (Id "n" ()) (Number 1 ()) ()
, fLabel = ()}
, pBody = App "incr" [Number 5 ()] ()
>>> parseFile "tests/input/fac.diamond"
Prog { pDecls = [ Decl {fName = Bind "fac" ()
, fArgs = [Bind "n" ()]
, fBody = Let (Bind "t" ()) (Prim1 Print (Id "n" ()) ())
(If (Prim2 Less (Id "n" ()) (Number 1 ()) ())
(Number 1 ())
(Prim2 Times (Id "n" ())
(App "fac" [Prim2 Minus (Id "n" ()) (Number 1 ()) ()] ())
()) ()) ()
, fLabel = ()}
, pBody = App "fac" [Number 5 ()] ()
2. Static Checking
Next, we will look at an increasingly important aspect of compilation, pointing out bugs in the code at compile time
Called Static Checking because we do this without (i.e. before) compiling and running the code.
There is a huge spectrum of checks possible:
- Code Linting jslint, hlint
- Static Typing
- Static Analysis
- Contract Checking
- Dependent or Refinement Typing
Increasingly, this is the most important phase of a compiler, and modern compiler engineering is built around making these checks lightning fast. For more, see this interview of Anders Hejlsberg the architect of the C# and TypeScript compilers.
Static Well-formedness Checking
We will look at code linting and, later in the quarter, type systems in 131.
For the former, suppose you tried to compile:
def fac(n):
= print(n) in
let t if (n < 1):
* fac(m - 1)
5) + fac(3, 4) fact(
We would like compilation to fail, not silently, but with useful messages:
$ make tests/output/err-fac.result
Errors found!
tests/input/err-fac.diamond:6:13-14: Unbound variable 'm'
6| n * fac(m - 1)
tests/input/err-fac.diamond:8:1-9: Function 'fact' is not defined
8| fact(5) + fac(3, 4)
tests/input/err-fac.diamond:(8:11)-(9:1): Wrong arity of arguments at call of fac
8| fact(5) + fac(3, 4)
We get multiple errors:
- The variable
is not defined, - The function
is not defined, - The call
has the wrong number of arguments.
Next, lets see how to update the architecture of our compiler to support these and other kinds of errors.
Types: An Error Reporting API
An error message type:
data UserError = Error
eMsg :: !Text -- ^ error message
{ eSpan :: !SourceSpan -- ^ source position
}deriving (Show, Typeable)
We make it an exception (that can be thrown):
instance Exception [UserError]
We can create errors with:
mkError :: Text -> SourceSpan -> Error
= Error msg l mkError msg l
We can throw errors with:
abort :: UserError -> a
= throw [e] abort e
We display errors with:
renderErrors :: [UserError] -> IO Text
which takes something like:
"Unbound variable 'm'"
= "tests/input/err-fac"
{ file = 8
, startLine = 1
, startCol = 8
, endLine = 9
, endCol }
and produces a contextual message (that requires reading the source file),
tests/input/err-fac.diamond:6:13-14: Unbound variable 'm'
6| n * fac(m - 1)
We can put it all together by
-- bin/Main.hs
main :: IO ()
= runCompiler `catch` esHandle
esHandle :: [UserError] -> IO ()
= renderErrors es >>= hPutStrLn stderr >> exitFailure esHandle es
Which runs the compiler and if any UserError
are thrown, catch
-es and renders the result.
Next, lets insert a checker
phase into our pipeline:

In the above, we have defined the types:
type BareP = Program SourceSpan -- ^ source position metadata
type AnfP = Program SourceSpan -- ^ sub-exprs in ANF
type AnfTagP = Program (SourceSpan, Tag) -- ^ sub-exprs have unique tag
Catching Multiple Errors
Its rather irritating to get errors one-by-one.
To make using a language and compiler pleasant, lets return as many errors as possible in each run.
We will implement this by writing the functions
wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
which will recursively traverse the entire program, declaration and expression and return the list of all errors.
- If this list is empty, we just return the source unchanged,
- Otherwise, we
the list of found errors (and exit.)
Thus, our check
function looks like this:
check :: BareProgram -> BareProgram
= case wellFormed p of
check p -> p
[] -> throw es es
Well-formed Programs, Declarations and Expressions
The bulk of the work is done by three functions
-- Check a whole program
wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
-- Check a single declaration
wellFormedD :: FunEnv -> BareDecl -> [UserError]
-- Check a single expression
wellFormedE :: FunEnv -> Env -> Bare -> [UserError]
Well-formed Programs
To check the whole program
wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
Prog ds e)
wellFormed (= concat [wellFormedD fEnv d | d <- ds]
++ wellFormedE fEnv emptyEnv e
= funEnv ds
funEnv :: [Decl] -> FunEnv
= fromListEnv [(bindId f, length xs)
funEnv ds | Decl f xs _ _ <- ds]
This function,
- Creates
, a map from function-names to the function-arity (number of params), - Computes the errors for each declaration (given functions in
), - Concatenates the resulting lists of errors.
Which function(s) would we have to modify to add large number errors (i.e. errors for numeric literals that may cause overflow)?
wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
wellFormedD :: FunEnv -> BareDecl -> [UserError]
wellFormedE :: FunEnv -> Env -> Bare -> [UserError]
Which function(s) would we have to modify to add variable shadowing errors ?
wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
wellFormedD :: FunEnv -> BareDecl -> [UserError]
wellFormedE :: FunEnv -> Env -> Bare -> [UserError]
Which function(s) would we have to modify to add duplicate parameter errors ?
wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
wellFormedD :: FunEnv -> BareDecl -> [UserError]
wellFormedE :: FunEnv -> Env -> Bare -> [UserError]
Which function(s) would we have to modify to add duplicate function errors ?
wellFormed :: BareProgram -> [UserError]
wellFormedD :: FunEnv -> BareDecl -> [UserError]
wellFormedE :: FunEnv -> Env -> Bare -> [UserError]
Lets look at how we might check for two types of errors:
- “unbound variables”
- “undefined functions”
(In your assignment, you will look for many more.)
The helper function wellFormedD
creates an initial variable environment vEnv
containing the functions parameters, and uses that (and fEnv
) to walk over the body-expressions.
wellFormedD :: FunEnv -> BareDecl -> [UserError]
Decl _ xs e _) = wellFormedE fEnv vEnv e
wellFormedD fEnv (where
= addsEnv xs emptyEnv vEnv
The helper function wellFormedE
starts with the input
which has the function parameters, andfEnv
that has the defined functions,
and traverses the expression:
- At each definition
Let x e1 e2
, the variablex
is added to the environment used to checke2
, - At each use
Id x
we check ifx
is invEnv
and if not, create a suitableUserError
- At each call
App f es
we check iff
is infEnv
and if not, create a suitableUserError
wellFormedE :: FunEnv -> Env -> Bare -> [UserError]
= go vEnv0 e
wellFormedE fEnv vEnv0 e where
= concatMap (go vEnv) es
gos vEnv es Boolean {}) = []
go _ (Number n l) = []
go _ (Id x l) = unboundVarErrors vEnv x l
go vEnv (Prim1 _ e _) = go vEnv e
go vEnv (Prim2 _ e1 e2 _) = gos vEnv [e1, e2]
go vEnv (If e1 e2 e3 _) = gos vEnv [e1, e2, e3]
go vEnv (Let x e1 e2 _) = go vEnv e1
go vEnv (++ go (addEnv x vEnv) e2
App f es l) = unboundFunErrors fEnv f l
go vEnv (++ gos vEnv es
You should understand the above and be able to easily add extra error checks.
3. Compiling Functions

In the above, we have defined the types:
type BareP = Program SourceSpan -- ^ each sub-expression has source position metadata
type AnfP = Program SourceSpan -- ^ each function body in ANF
type AnfTagP = Program (SourceSpan, Tag) -- ^ each sub-expression has unique tag

The tag
phase simply recursively tags each function body and the main expression
ANF Conversion

phase (i.e.anf
) is recursively applied to each function body.In addition to
operands, each call’s arguments should be transformed into an immediate expression
Generalize the strategy for binary operators
- from (
arguments) ton
Now, lets look at compiling function definitions and calls.

We need a co-ordinated strategy for definitions and calls.
Function Definitions
- Each definition is compiled into a labeled block of
- That implements the body of the definitions.
- (But what about the parameters)?
Function Calls
- Each call of
will execute the block labeledf
- (But what about the parameters)?
Strategy: The Stack

We will use our old friend, the stack to
- pass parameters
- have local variables for called functions.
X86-64 Calling Convention
We are using the x86-64 calling convention, that ensures the following stack layout:

Suppose we have a function foo
defined as
def foo(x1,x2,...):
When the function body starts executing
the first 6 parameters
, …x6
are atrdi
the remaining
… are at[rbp + 8*2]
,[rbp + 8*3]
, …
When the function exits
- the return value is in
Pesky detail on Stack Alignment
At both definition and call, you need to also respect the 16-Byte Stack Alignment Invariant
is always a multiple of16
i.e. pad to ensure an even number of arguments on stack
Strategy: Definitions
Thus to compile each definition
def foo(x1,x2,...):
we must
Setup Frame to allocate space for local variables by ensuring that
are properly managedCopy parameters
,… from the registers & stack
into stack-slots1
,… so we can access them in thebody
Compile Body
with initialEnv
mapping parametersx1 => 1
,x2 => 2
, …Teardown Frame to restore the caller’s
prior toret
Strategy: Calls
As before we must ensure that the parameters actually live at the above address.
Push the parameter values into the registers & stack,
Call the appropriate function (using its label),
Pop the arguments off the stack by incrementing
We already have most of the machinery needed to compile calls.
Lets just add a new kind of Label
for each user-defined function:
data Label
= ...
| DefFun Id
Lets can refactor our compile
functions into:
-- Compile the whole program
compileProg :: AnfTagP -> Asm
-- Compile a single function declaration
compileDecl :: Bind -> [Bind] -> Expr -> Asm
-- Compile a single expression
compileExpr :: Env -> AnfTagE -> Asm
that respectively compile Program
, Decl
and Expr
Compiling Programs
To compile a Program
we compile
- the main expression as
with no parameters and - each function declaration
Prog ds e) =
compileProg (Bind "" ()) [] e
compileDecl (++ concat [ compileDecl f xs e | (Decl f xs e _) <- ds ]
Does it matter whether we put the code for e
before ds
1. Yes
2. No
Does it matter what order we compile the ds
1. Yes
2. No
Compiling Declarations
To compile a single Decl
- Create a block starting with a label for the function’s name (so we know where to
), - Invoke
to fill in the assembly code for the body, using the initialEnv
obtained from the function’s formal parameters.
compileDecl :: Bind a -> [Bind a] -> AExp -> [Instruction]
compileDecl f xs body -- 0. Label for start of function
ILabel (DefFun (bindId f)) ]
[ -- 1. Setup stack frame RBP/RSP
++ funEntry n
-- label the 'body' for tail-calls
++ [ ILabel (DefFunBody (bindId f)) ]
-- 2. Copy parameters into stack slots
++ copyArgs xs
-- 3. Execute 'body' with result in RAX
++ compileEnv initEnv body
-- 4. Teardown stack frame & return
++ funExit n
-- space for params + locals
= length xs + countVars body
n = paramsEnv xs initEnv
Setup and Tear Down Stack Frame
(As in cobra
Setup frame
funEntry :: Int -> [Instruction]
funEntry n IPush (Reg RBP) -- save caller's RBP
[ IMov (Reg RBP) (Reg RSP) -- set callee's RBP
, ISub (Reg RSP) (Const (argBytes n)) -- allocate n local-vars
, ]
Teardown frame
funExit :: Int -> [Instruction]
funExit n IAdd (Reg RSP) (Const (argBytes n)) -- un-allocate n local-vars
[ IPop (Reg RBP) -- restore callee's RBP
, IRet -- return to caller
, ]
Copy Parameters into Frame
copyArgs xs
returns the instructions needed to copy the parameter values
From the combination of
, …To this function’s frame,
rdi -> [rbp - 8]
,rsi -> [rbp - 16]
copyArgs :: [a] -> Asm
= copyRegArgs rXs -- copy upto 6 register args
copyArgs xs ++ copyStackArgs sXs -- copy remaining stack args
= splitAt 6 xs
(rXs, sXs)
-- Copy upto 6 args from registers into offsets 1..
copyRegArgs :: [a] -> Asm
= [ IMov (stackVar i) (Reg r) | (_,r,i) <- zipWith3 xs regs [1..] ]
copyRegArgs xs where regs = [RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9]
-- Copy remaining args from stack into offsets 7..
copyStackArgs :: [a] -> Asm
= concat [ copyArg src dst | (_,src,dst) <- zip3 xs [-2,-3..] [7..] ]
copyStackArgs xs
-- Copy from RBP-offset-src to RBP-offset-dst
copyArg :: Int -> Int -> Asm
copyArg src dst IMov (Reg RAX) (stackVar src)
[ IMov (stackVar dst) (Reg RAX)
, ]
Execute Function Body
(As in cobra)
compileEnv initEnv body
generates the assembly for e
using initEnv
, the initial Env
created by paramsEnv
paramsEnv :: [Bind a] -> Env
= fromListEnv (zip xids [1..])
paramsEnv xs where
= map bindId xs xids
paramsEnv xs
returns an Env
mapping each parameter to its stack position
(Recall that bindId
extracts the Id
from each Bind
Compiling Calls
Finally, lets extend code generation to account for calls:
compileEnv :: Env -> AnfTagE -> [Instruction]
App f vs _) = call (DefFun f) [immArg env v | v <- vs] compileEnv env (
EXERCISE The hard work in compiling calls is done by:
call :: Label -> [Arg] -> [Instruction]
which implements the strategy for calls. Fill in the implementation of call
yourself. As an example, of its behavior, consider the (source) program:
def add2(x, y):
+ y
12, 7) add2(
The call add2(12, 7)
is represented as:
App "add2" [Number 12, Number 7]
The code for the above call is generated by
DefFun "add2") [arg 12, arg 7] call (
where arg
converts source values into assembly Arg
which should generate the equivalent of the assembly:
mov rdi 24
mov rsi 14
call label_def_add2
4. Compiling Tail Calls
Our language doesn’t have loops. While recursion is more general, it is more expensive because it uses up stack space (and requires all the attendant management overhead). For example (the python
def sumTo(n):
= 0
r = n
i while (0 <= i):
= r + i
r = i - 1
i return r
10000) sumTo(
- Requires a single stack frame
- Can be implemented with 2 registers
But, the “equivalent” diamond
def sumTo(n):
if (n <= 0):
+ sumTo(n - 1)
10000) sumTo(
- Requires
stack frames … - One for
, one forfac(9999)
Tail Recursion
Fortunately, we can do much better.
A tail recursive function is one where the recursive call is the last operation done by the function, i.e. where the value returned by the function is the same as the value returned by the recursive call.
We can rewrite sumTo
using a tail-recursive loop
def loop(r, i):
if (0 <= i):
= r + i
let rr = i - 1
, ii in
# tail call
loop(rr, ii) else:
def sumTo(n):
0, n)
10000) sumTo(
Visualizing Tail Calls
Lets compare the execution of the two versions of sumTo
Plain Recursion
sumTo(==> 5 + sumTo(4)
==> 5 + [4 + sumTo(3)]
==> 5 + [4 + [3 + sumTo(2)]]
==> 5 + [4 + [3 + [2 + sumTo(1)]]]
==> 5 + [4 + [3 + [2 + [1 + sumTo(0)]]]]
==> 5 + [4 + [3 + [2 + [1 + 0]]]]
==> 5 + [4 + [3 + [2 + 1]]]
==> 5 + [4 + [3 + 3]]
==> 5 + [4 + 6]
==> 5 + 10
==> 15
- Each call pushes a frame onto the call-stack;
- The results are popped off and added to the parameter at that frame.
Tail Recursion
sumTo(==> loop(0, 5)
==> loop(5, 4)
==> loop(9, 3)
==> loop(12, 2)
==> loop(14, 1)
==> loop(15, 0)
==> 15
- Accumulation happens in the parameter (not with the output),
- Each call returns its result without further computation
No need to use call-stack, can make recursive call in place.
- Tail recursive calls can be compiled into loops!
Tail Recursion Strategy
Here’s the code for sumTo
Tail Recursion Strategy
Instead of using call
to make the call, simply:
- Copy the call’s arguments to the (same) stack position (as current args),
- first six in
etc. and rest in[rbp+16]
- Jump to the start of the function
- but after the bit where setup the stack frame (to not do it again!)
That is, here’s what a naive implementation would look like:
mov rdi, [rbp - 8] # push rr
mov rsi, [rbp - 16] # push ii
call def_loop
but a tail-recursive call can instead be compiled as:
mov rdi, [rbp - 8] # push rr
mov rsi, [rbp - 16] # push ii
jmp def_loop_body
which has the effect of executing loop
literally as if it were a while-loop!
To implement the above strategy, we need a way to:
- Identify tail calls in the source
(AST), - Compile the tail calls following the above strategy.
We can do the above in a single step, i.e., we could identify the tail calls during the code generation, but its cleaner to separate the steps into:

with Tail CallsIn the above, we have defined the types:
type BareP = Program SourceSpan -- ^ each sub-expression has source position metadata
type AnfP = Program SourceSpan -- ^ each function body in ANF
type AnfTagP = Program (SourceSpan, Tag) -- ^ each sub-expression has unique tag
type AnfTagTlP = Program ((SourceSpan, Tag), Bool) -- ^ each call is marked as "tail" or not
Thus, to implement tail-call optimization, we need to write two transforms:
1. To Label each call with True
(if it is a tail call) or False
tails :: Program a -> Program (a, Bool)
2. To Compile tail calls, by extending compileEnv
Labeling Tail Calls

The Expr
in non tail positions
(“bound expression”)If
cannot contain tail calls; all those values have some further computation performed on them.
However, the Expr
in tail positions
(“then” and “else” branch)Let
can contain tail calls (unless they appear under the first case)
Algorithm: Traverse Expr
using a Bool
- Initially
but - Toggled to
under non-tail positions, - Used as “tail-label” at each call.
NOTE: All non-calls get a default tail-label of False
tails :: Expr a -> Expr (a, Bool)
= go True -- initially flag is True
tails where
= z (l, False)
noTail l z Number n l) = noTail l (Number n)
go _ (Boolean b l) = noTail l (Boolean b)
go _ (Id x l) = noTail l (Id x)
go _ (
Prim2 o e1 e2 l) = noTail l (Prim2 o e1' e2')
go _ (where
= go False <$> [e1, e2] -- "prim-args" is non-tail
[e1', e2']
If c e1 e2 l) = noTail l (If c' e1' e2')
go b (where
= go False c -- "cond" is non-tail
c' = go b e1 -- "then" may be tail
e1' = go b e2 -- "else" may be tail
Let x e1 e2 l) = noTail l (Let x e1' e2')
go b (where
= go False e1 -- "bound-expr" is non-tail
e1' = go b e2 -- "body-expr" may be tail
App f es l) = App f es' (l, b) -- tail-label is current flag
go b (where
= go False <$> es -- "call args" are non-tail es'
EXERCISE: How could we modify the above to only mark tail-recursive calls, i.e. to the same function (whose declaration is being compiled?)
Compiling Tail Calls
Finally, to generate code, we need only add a special case to compileExpr
compileExpr :: Env -> AnfTagTlE -> [Instruction]
App f vs l)
compileExpr env (| isTail l = tailcall (DefFun f) [immArg env v | v <- vs]
| otherwise = call (DefFunBody f) [immArg env v | v <- vs]
That is, if the call is not labeled as a tail call, generate code as before. Otherwise, use tailcall
which implements our tail recursion strategy
tailcall :: Label -> [Arg] -> [Instruction]
tailcall l args= copyRegArgs regArgs -- copy into RDI, RSI,...
++ copyTailStackArgs stkArgs -- copy into [RBP + 16], [RBP + 24] ...
++ [IJmp l] -- jump to start label
= splitAt 6 args (regArgs, stkArgs)
We just saw how to add support for first-class function
- Definitions, and
- Calls
and a way in which an important class of
Tail Recursive functions can be compiled as loops.
Later, we’ll see how to represent functions as values using closures.